Unleash Your Inner Escapist with Our Complete Prison Break App Walkthrough


Get a step-by-step guide on how to escape prison with the Prison Break app walkthrough. Learn tips and tricks to break free!

Are you a fan of the popular mobile game Prison Break? Do you often find yourself struggling to solve the puzzles and escape each level? Well, fear not because we have the ultimate solution for you! In this walkthrough, we will guide you through each step of the game, providing expert tips and tricks to help you successfully break out of prison.

First things first, let's start with the basics. The objective of each level is to find a way to escape from prison, whether it be by digging a tunnel, stealing a guard's key, or creating a distraction. Each level presents its own unique challenges, but with the right strategy, you can overcome any obstacle.

One of the most important things to keep in mind while playing Prison Break is to pay close attention to your surroundings. Every detail matters, from the placement of objects to the behavior of the guards. By observing your environment carefully, you can spot clues and find hidden items that will aid you in your escape.

Another key factor to success in Prison Break is timing. You must be strategic in your movements and actions, as one wrong move can lead to instant capture. Use the cover of darkness and the distraction of other inmates to your advantage, but be careful not to draw too much attention to yourself.

In addition to being observant and strategic, it is also important to be resourceful. Utilize the tools and materials available to you, such as ropes, shovels, and makeshift weapons. Keep an eye out for crafting materials and try different combinations to see what you can make.

As you progress through each level, the difficulty will increase, and you will encounter new challenges and obstacles. But don't worry, we've got you covered! We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to overcome each challenge, no matter how tricky.

One of the most challenging aspects of Prison Break is the guard AI. Guards are programmed to be unpredictable and react to your actions in real-time. This means that you must constantly adapt and change your approach, as the same strategy may not work twice.

Another important aspect of successful prison breaking is teamwork. You will meet other inmates along the way who can help you with your escape. Work together to share information and resources, and coordinate your efforts to maximize your chances of success.

As you near the end of the game, the challenges will become even more difficult, and you will need to use all of the skills and strategies you have learned thus far. But with our expert guidance, you can overcome any obstacle and successfully break out of prison.

So what are you waiting for? Download the Prison Break app and let's get started on your journey to freedom!


Prison Break App is an adventure game that requires the player to escape from a prison by solving puzzles and finding clues. The game is available on both Android and iOS platforms. In this article, we will provide a walkthrough of the game, detailing how to solve each puzzle and find every clue necessary to escape.

Level 1: The Cell

The game begins with the player in their prison cell. To escape, the player must find a way to open the cell door. First, tap on the bed to find a spoon. Then, tap on the toilet and use the spoon to remove a brick. Finally, tap on the loose brick to reveal a key. Use the key to open the cell door.

Level 2: The Guard Room

After escaping the cell, the player enters a room with a sleeping guard. To pass him, the player must find a way to distract him. First, tap on the locker and take the clothes. Then, tap on the coffee machine and pour hot coffee into the mug. Finally, use the clothes and the hot coffee to create a fake spill on the floor. The guard will wake up to clean the spill, allowing the player to pass.

Level 3: The Kitchen

In the kitchen, the player must find a way to get the chef to leave the room. First, tap on the sink and take the soap. Then, tap on the stove and turn on the gas. Next, use the soap to create bubbles in the sink. Finally, tap on the door to lure the chef out of the room. While the chef is gone, grab the knife from the counter.

Level 4: The Yard

In the yard, the player must find a way to get past the guard tower. First, tap on the fence to find a glove. Then, tap on the tree and use the glove to pick the lock on the toolbox. Inside the toolbox, the player will find a wrench. Use the wrench to loosen the bolts on the guard tower ladder. Finally, climb up the ladder to reach the roof.

Level 5: The Roof

On the roof, the player must find a way to get to the other side of the prison. First, tap on the flagpole to reveal a rope. Then, tap on the chimney and use the knife to cut the rope hanging from it. Finally, use the rope to zip line across the gap.

Level 6: The Control Room

In the control room, the player must find a way to disable the security cameras. First, tap on the computer and enter the password PRISONBREAK. Then, tap on the camera feed and select Disable Cameras. Finally, exit the control room through the door on the left.

Level 7: The Exit

The final level requires the player to escape through the prison yard. First, tap on the fence and use the wrench to remove the bars. Then, tap on the gate and use the key found in the first level to unlock it. Finally, run through the yard and make your escape.


Prison Break App is a fun and challenging game that requires the player to think creatively to solve each puzzle and escape from the prison. By following this walkthrough, players should be able to successfully escape and complete the game.
Introduction to Prison Break App - A Brief OverviewPrison Break App is a popular mobile game that lets players simulate escaping from a prison. The game has gained a lot of attention due to its exciting gameplay and challenging levels, as well as its impressive graphics and realistic sound effects.The game is designed to test your strategic skills, problem-solving abilities, and quick thinking. It features a variety of obstacles, puzzles, and challenges that you must overcome in order to successfully break out of the prison.In this article, we will provide a detailed walkthrough of the game, including tips and tricks on how to navigate through the levels, solve puzzles, and avoid the guards. We will also discuss the installation and sign-up process, as well as the different features and tools available in the game.Getting Started with Prison Break App - Installation and Sign Up ProcessBefore you can start playing Prison Break App, you need to download and install it on your mobile device. The game is available for both Android and iOS devices and can be downloaded for free from the respective app stores.Once you have downloaded the game, you will need to sign up using your email or Facebook account. This will allow you to save your progress and continue playing from where you left off.Once you have signed up, you will be taken to the main menu of the game. Here, you can select the level you want to play, customize your character, and access other features and tools.Understanding the Interface of Prison Break App - Features and ToolsThe interface of Prison Break App is user-friendly and easy to navigate. The main menu of the game displays all the available levels, as well as your progress and achievements.You can customize your character by selecting different outfits and accessories. You can also use the in-game currency to buy new items and upgrades.The game features a variety of tools and resources that can help you in your escape. These include maps, weapons, tools, and other useful items that you can use to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles.Planning Your Escape - Strategizing Your Prison BreakThe key to successfully escaping from the prison in Prison Break App is to plan your escape carefully. This involves strategizing your moves, identifying potential obstacles, and finding ways to overcome them.Before starting a level, take some time to study the layout of the prison and identify potential escape routes. Look for weak spots in the security system, such as blind spots or areas with low visibility.You should also pay attention to the guards' patterns and routines. Try to avoid being seen by them and find ways to distract or incapacitate them if necessary.Navigating Through Levels - Tips and Tricks for SuccessNavigating through levels in Prison Break App can be challenging, especially as you progress to higher levels. Here are some tips and tricks to help you succeed:- Be patient: Take your time and don't rush through the levels. This will give you more time to observe your surroundings and plan your moves.- Use the maps: The maps in the game are incredibly useful in navigating through the prison. Use them to identify potential obstacles and plan your escape route.- Stay hidden: Avoid being seen by the guards and stay in the shadows as much as possible. Use cover to hide behind and move slowly and quietly.- Use distractions: Distract the guards by throwing objects or making noise. This will give you an opportunity to sneak past them.- Use weapons: If you need to take out a guard, use your weapons wisely. Aim for their head or neck to take them down quickly and quietly.Solving Puzzles - How to Crack Codes and Unlock DoorsPrison Break App features a variety of puzzles and challenges that you must solve in order to progress through the levels. These include cracking codes, unlocking doors, and finding hidden items.Here are some tips on how to solve puzzles in the game:- Look for clues: Clues are often hidden throughout the levels. Look for notes, symbols, and other items that can help you solve the puzzle.- Use logic: Many puzzles require logical thinking. Think outside the box and try different approaches until you find the solution.- Try different combinations: If you're trying to crack a code or unlock a door, try different combinations until you find the right one.- Use tools: The game features a variety of tools that can help you solve puzzles, such as lockpicks and hacking devices. Use them wisely to overcome obstacles.Utilizing Resources - Making the Most of Your InventoryPrison Break App features an inventory system that allows you to collect and store various items and resources. These include weapons, tools, maps, and other useful items that can help you in your escape.Here are some tips on how to make the most of your inventory:- Collect everything: Don't leave any item behind. Collect everything you come across, as even small items can be useful later on.- Use items wisely: Use your items and resources sparingly, as you may need them later on in the game. Prioritize your resources and only use them when necessary.- Upgrade your inventory: Use the in-game currency to upgrade your inventory and buy new items and upgrades. This will give you an advantage in the game.Avoiding Guards and Security Systems - Stealth TechniquesAvoiding guards and security systems is essential in Prison Break App. Here are some stealth techniques to help you avoid detection:- Stay in the shadows: Stay hidden in the shadows and avoid well-lit areas.- Move slowly and quietly: Move slowly and quietly to avoid making noise or drawing attention to yourself.- Use cover: Use objects in the environment to hide behind and avoid being seen by the guards.- Distract guards: Use distractions to draw the guards away from their posts and create an opportunity to sneak past them.Making Allies - Building Relationships with Other InmatesBuilding relationships with other inmates can be beneficial in Prison Break App. Here are some tips on how to make allies:- Talk to other inmates: Talk to other inmates to learn more about the prison and its layout. They may also have useful items or information that can help you in your escape.- Help other inmates: Help other inmates by completing tasks or solving puzzles for them. This will increase their trust and loyalty towards you.- Build alliances: Build alliances with other inmates and work together to overcome obstacles and escape the prison.Escaping Successfully - Final Steps and Concluding the GameThe final steps in Prison Break App involve escaping the prison successfully. Here are some tips on how to do it:- Stay calm: Keep a cool head and stay focused on your goal.- Use your resources wisely: Use your resources and tools wisely to overcome any obstacles in your way.- Be patient: Take your time and don't rush through the final stages of the game.- Celebrate your success: Once you've escaped the prison, take a moment to celebrate your success and enjoy the moment.In conclusion, Prison Break App is an exciting and challenging game that tests your strategic skills and problem-solving abilities. With the tips and tricks provided in this article, you should be able to successfully navigate through the levels and escape the prison. Good luck!

Prison Break App Walkthrough: A Point of View


Prison Break App is a popular game that has captured the attention of many players around the world. The game involves finding clues, solving puzzles, and escaping from prison. To achieve this, players need to have a good understanding of the game mechanics and strategies.

Pros of Prison Break App Walkthrough

There are several benefits of using a prison break app walkthrough. These include:

  1. Helps Solve Puzzles: The walkthrough provides a step-by-step guide on how to solve puzzles and escape from prison. This is especially helpful for players who may be stuck on a particular puzzle or level.
  2. Time-Saving: The walkthrough saves time by providing quick solutions to complex puzzles. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out how to escape from prison, players can use the walkthrough to get through the game quickly.
  3. Improves Strategy: The walkthrough helps players understand the game mechanics and develop effective strategies to escape from prison. This can be useful in future games as players can apply the same strategies to other games.
  4. Enhances Gaming Experience: The walkthrough enhances the overall gaming experience by providing a sense of achievement and satisfaction when players successfully escape from prison.

Cons of Prison Break App Walkthrough

Despite its benefits, the prison break app walkthrough also has some drawbacks. These include:

  1. Reduces Challenge: Using a walkthrough can reduce the challenge of the game, making it less exciting and engaging. Players may lose interest in the game if they find it too easy to complete.
  2. Dependence on Walkthrough: Players may become too dependent on the walkthrough and may not be able to complete the game without it. This can limit their ability to think critically and solve problems independently.
  3. Spoliers: The walkthrough may reveal spoilers about the game, which can ruin the gaming experience for some players. This is especially true for those who enjoy discovering new things about the game on their own.
  4. Inaccurate Information: Some walkthroughs may contain inaccurate information, which can mislead players and prevent them from completing the game successfully.


Overall, the prison break app walkthrough can be a useful tool for players who want to escape from prison and complete the game. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of using a walkthrough before deciding whether or not to use it. Players should also be aware of the potential drawbacks of using a walkthrough and use it wisely to enhance their gaming experience.

Thank You for Exploring the Prison Break App Walkthrough with Us

Greetings, dear readers! We hope you have enjoyed our detailed walkthrough of the Prison Break app. It has been a pleasure for us to take you through the various levels and challenges of this thrilling game. We sincerely hope that our guide has helped you in successfully completing the game and escaping from the prison!

As we come to a close, we would like to reiterate some key points that we have covered in the previous sections of our blog:

Understanding the Gameplay: We started by explaining the basic premise of the game - your character is a prisoner who must escape from prison by solving puzzles and outsmarting guards. We then went on to discuss the various features of the game such as the map, inventory, and crafting system.

Level-wise Guide: In the subsequent sections, we provided a detailed walkthrough of each level of the game. We explained the objectives of each level, the tools and resources you need to complete them, and the strategies you can use to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Tips and Tricks: To help you navigate the game more easily, we also shared some useful tips and tricks. These included suggestions on how to manage your inventory, how to avoid getting caught by guards, and how to craft useful items.

Final Thoughts: In our final section, we discussed some of the pros and cons of the game. We also gave our overall verdict on the game and suggested who might enjoy playing it.

We hope that our guide has been comprehensive and helpful. However, we understand that you may still have some questions or concerns. Therefore, we would like to invite you to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. We would be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

Before we sign off, we would like to leave you with some parting thoughts:

1. Enjoy the Game: The Prison Break app is an exciting game that offers a unique experience. As you play through the levels, try to immerse yourself in the storyline and enjoy the challenges that come your way.

2. Keep Trying: Some levels of the game can be quite challenging, and you may find yourself getting stuck. However, don't give up! Keep trying different strategies and approaches until you find the one that works best for you.

3. Share Your Experience: If you enjoyed the game, why not share your experience with others? You could write a review of the game or recommend it to your friends who might also enjoy playing it.

4. Explore Other Games: If you're looking for other games that offer similar experiences, there are plenty of options out there. Do some research, read reviews, and try out different games to find the ones that suit your preferences.

Once again, thank you for joining us on this journey through the Prison Break app. We hope that our guide has been helpful to you, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback. Safe gaming, everyone!

People Also Ask About Prison Break App Walkthrough

What is the Prison Break app?

The Prison Break app is a puzzle game that challenges players to escape from a virtual prison by solving logic puzzles and using strategy. It was released in 2018 and is available for download on iOS and Android devices.

How do I download the Prison Break app?

You can download the Prison Break app from the App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device. Simply search for Prison Break and select the app from the results. Then, click the Download button and wait for the app to install on your device.

What are some tips for playing the Prison Break app?

  1. Take your time and think through each puzzle carefully before making a move.
  2. Pay attention to clues and hints provided in the game.
  3. Try different strategies to see what works best for each puzzle.
  4. Use items and tools wisely to help you escape.
  5. Don't give up if you get stuck - sometimes it takes trial and error to find the solution.

How many levels are in the Prison Break app?

The Prison Break app has a total of 60 levels, each with increasing difficulty. The levels are divided into different chapters, with a final level to complete in order to escape the prison.

Is the Prison Break app free?

The Prison Break app is free to download, but contains in-app purchases. Players can choose to purchase hints or additional levels to help them progress through the game.