Understanding iMessage App Icon Sizes: A Comprehensive Guide for iOS Users


iMessage app icon sizes are important for users to create appealing visuals. Learn about the different icon sizes and their specific requirements.

When it comes to messaging apps, iMessage is one of the most popular choices around. It offers a range of features that make it easy and convenient to stay in touch with friends and family. One aspect of iMessage that often goes overlooked, however, is the different icon sizes that are available. While this might seem like a minor detail, it can actually have a big impact on how you use the app. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the different iMessage app icon sizes and explore the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Firstly, let's start by looking at the standard size of the iMessage app icon. This is the size that most users will be familiar with, and it measures in at 60 x 60 pixels. This is a relatively small size, but it works well for most people. One of the benefits of this size is that it doesn't take up too much space on your screen, which can be important if you have a lot of apps installed. Additionally, this size is easily recognizable, which is important when you're trying to quickly find the app you need.

However, there are also larger sizes available for the iMessage app icon. The next size up is 120 x 120 pixels, which is double the size of the standard icon. This size can be useful if you have trouble seeing the smaller icon, or if you simply prefer a larger interface. It also allows for more detailed icons, which can be beneficial for certain apps.

Another option is the 180 x 180 pixel icon size. This is the largest size available and is typically reserved for app icons that require a high level of detail. While this size can be useful for some apps, it's not always necessary for iMessage. However, if you're someone who likes to customize your phone's interface, this size could be a good choice for you.

Now that we've looked at the different sizes available, let's explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of each one. When it comes to the standard icon size, one of the biggest advantages is its small footprint. This size allows you to fit more apps on your screen without sacrificing visibility.

However, one of the downsides of the standard size is that it can be difficult to see for some users. If you have poor eyesight or prefer a larger interface, you may find that the standard size is too small for your needs.

When it comes to the larger sizes, one of the main advantages is increased visibility. The larger icons are easier to see, which can be beneficial for users who have trouble with the smaller sizes. Additionally, the larger sizes allow for more detailed icons, which can make it easier to quickly identify the app you need.

On the other hand, the larger sizes can also take up more space on your screen. This can be problematic if you have a lot of apps installed and need to conserve space. Additionally, the larger sizes can sometimes look awkward or out of place, depending on how they're designed.

So, which size should you choose for your iMessage app icon? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. If you prefer a small interface and don't have any trouble seeing the standard size, then there's no need to switch to a larger size. However, if you find that the standard size is too small or difficult to see, then switching to a larger size could be a good option for you.

In conclusion, the different iMessage app icon sizes offer a range of benefits and drawbacks. Whether you choose the standard size or opt for a larger size, it's important to choose the size that works best for your needs. By taking the time to explore the different options available, you can ensure that you're getting the most out of your iMessage experience.


iMessage is a messaging app developed by Apple Inc. for iOS and macOS devices. It allows users to send text messages, photos, videos, and other multimedia content over the internet. One of the key features of iMessage is its ability to display app icons within the app. These icons are used to represent different apps that can be accessed through the app drawer. In this article, we will be discussing the different sizes of iMessage app icons.

App Icon Sizes

The Default Size

The default size for iMessage app icons is 100 x 100 pixels. This size is ideal for most app icons as it provides enough space to display the app's logo or image without it appearing too small or too large. The 100 x 100 pixel size is also consistent with the icon size used for iOS home screen icons.

The Large Size

For certain types of apps, such as games or apps that require more detailed icons, a larger icon size may be necessary. The large icon size for iMessage is 206 x 206 pixels. This size provides more space for detailed artwork or logos and can help the app stand out within the app drawer.

The Small Size

In some cases, a smaller icon size may be necessary to fit within the constraints of the app drawer. The small icon size for iMessage is 75 x 75 pixels. This size is ideal for apps that have simple logos or images that do not require a lot of detail.

How to Create App Icons for iMessage

Using Design Software

To create app icons for iMessage, you will need to use design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Sketch. Start by creating a new document with the appropriate size for the icon you wish to create. Next, design your icon using any images or graphics you wish to include. Once you are satisfied with your design, export the icon in PNG format with a transparent background.

Using Online Tools

There are several online tools available that can help you create app icons for iMessage without the need for design software. These tools typically offer pre-made templates and allow you to customize the design with your own images and text. Some popular online icon generators include Iconic, Flaticon, and Canva.

Best Practices for iMessage App Icons

Keep it Simple

The best iMessage app icons are simple and easy to recognize. Avoid using too much detail or text that may be difficult to read at smaller sizes.

Use Consistent Branding

If your app has an existing brand, make sure to use consistent branding elements such as colors and fonts in your iMessage app icon.

Make it Relevant

Your iMessage app icon should be relevant to the content or functionality of your app. Avoid using generic icons that do not convey the purpose of your app.

Test your Icon

Before releasing your iMessage app, test your icon on different devices and screen sizes to ensure that it looks good and is easy to recognize at all sizes.


The size of your iMessage app icon can have a big impact on how users perceive your app. By following best practices and creating icons that are simple, relevant, and consistent with your brand, you can help your app stand out within the app drawer and attract more users.

Understanding the Basics of iMessage App Icon Sizes

When it comes to designing a great iMessage app, one of the most important considerations is the size of the app icon. The app icon is the first thing users see when they download and install your app, so it's crucial to choose the right size to make a strong first impression.Unlike other app platforms, iMessage has unique requirements for app icon sizes. There are several different sizes to choose from, and choosing the wrong size can result in a poor user experience, or even cause your app to be rejected by Apple.

The Importance of Choosing the Right iMessage App Icon Size

Choosing the right iMessage app icon size is crucial for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it affects the overall user experience. If your app icon is too small, users may have trouble finding it on their device. Conversely, if it's too large, it can take up valuable space on the screen and make it difficult to navigate.In addition to affecting the user experience, choosing the wrong iMessage app icon size can also impact your app's visibility in the App Store. Apple has strict guidelines for app icons, and choosing an incorrect size can result in your app being rejected.

How to Choose the Perfect iMessage App Icon Size

Choosing the perfect iMessage app icon size requires some careful consideration. The first thing to consider is the size of the device that your app will be used on. For example, if your app is designed for the iPhone, you'll want to choose an icon size that is optimized for that device.Another important factor to consider is the overall design of your app. Your app icon should be consistent with the rest of your app's design, and should accurately represent the features and functionality of your app.

The Different iMessage App Icon Sizes Available

There are several different iMessage app icon sizes available, each optimized for different devices and use cases. The most common sizes are:
  • 29pt – This size is used for the app icon on the home screen of an iPhone.
  • 40pt – This size is used for the app icon on the home screen of an iPad.
  • 60pt – This size is used for the app icon on the home screen of an iPad Pro.
  • 83.5pt – This size is used for the app icon on the home screen of an iPhone 6 Plus, 6s Plus, 7 Plus, or 8 Plus.

Tips for Creating a Great iMessage App Icon at Any Size

Creating a great iMessage app icon requires more than just choosing the right size. Here are some tips to help you create an icon that stands out:
  • Keep it simple – Your app icon should be easy to recognize and understand at a glance.
  • Use colors wisely – Choose colors that complement your app's design and are visually appealing.
  • Avoid clutter – Don't try to cram too much information into your app icon. Keep it clean and simple.
  • Make it memorable – Your app icon should be unique and memorable, so users can easily recognize it in the App Store or on their device.

The Impact of iMessage App Icon Sizes on User Experience

The size of your iMessage app icon can have a significant impact on the user experience. If your icon is too small, users may have trouble finding it on their device, which can be frustrating. Conversely, if it's too large, it can take up valuable screen real estate and make it difficult to navigate.Choosing the right size for your app icon is crucial for creating a positive user experience. It should be easy to find and easy to use, without taking up too much space or being too small to see.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing an iMessage App Icon Size

When choosing an iMessage app icon size, there are several common mistakes to avoid:
  • Choosing the wrong size for the device – Make sure you choose an icon size that is optimized for the device your app will be used on.
  • Not considering the overall design – Your app icon should be consistent with the rest of your app's design, and accurately represent its features and functionality.
  • Using too many colors or elements – A cluttered app icon can be confusing and difficult to recognize. Keep it simple and clean.

How to Optimize Your iMessage App Icon for Different Devices

Optimizing your iMessage app icon for different devices requires some careful consideration. You'll need to choose the right size for each device, as well as ensure that the design is consistent across all sizes.One way to optimize your app icon for different devices is to use vector graphics. Vector graphics can be scaled up or down without losing quality, which makes it easier to create a single icon that works across multiple devices.

The Role of iMessage App Icon Sizes in App Store Optimization

The size of your iMessage app icon can also impact your app's visibility in the App Store. Apple has strict guidelines for app icons, and choosing the wrong size can result in your app being rejected.To optimize your app icon for the App Store, make sure you choose the right size for each device, and ensure that the design is consistent and visually appealing. Your app icon should accurately represent your app's features and functionality, and be memorable enough to stand out from the competition.

Exploring the Future of iMessage App Icon Sizes and Trends

As technology continues to evolve, it's likely that we'll see new trends and changes in the world of iMessage app icon sizes. One trend that is already emerging is the use of animation and dynamic elements in app icons.Animated icons can be eye-catching and engaging, and can help your app stand out in a crowded market. However, it's important to use animation wisely and ensure that it doesn't negatively impact the user experience.Another trend that is likely to continue is the use of vector graphics and scalable app icons. This allows developers to create a single icon that works across multiple devices, without sacrificing quality or consistency.Overall, the future of iMessage app icon sizes is exciting and full of potential. By staying on top of the latest trends and best practices, developers can create app icons that are both visually appealing and optimized for a great user experience.

iMessage App Icon Sizes: A Point of View

Pros of iMessage App Icon Sizes:

1. Enhanced User Experience: With different sizes of app icons, users can easily identify and access the desired app, leading to an improved user experience.

2. Better Visual Appeal: The ability to customize app icon sizes allows developers to create visually appealing designs that stand out on the user's device.

3. Improved Accessibility: Larger icons make it easier for users with visual impairments or disabilities to use the app and access its features.

Cons of iMessage App Icon Sizes:

1. Limited Customization Options: Not all apps offer the option to customize the size of their icon, which limits the user's ability to personalize their device's home screen.

2. Inconsistency in Design: Different sized icons may lead to inconsistency in design, making it difficult for users to identify the app they want to use.

3. Increase in App Size: Increasing the size of the app icons means increasing the overall size of the app, which may not be desirable for users with limited storage space on their devices.

In conclusion,

The use of iMessage app icon sizes has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can enhance user experience and provide better accessibility, it may also limit customization options and lead to inconsistency in design. Ultimately, it is up to developers and users to decide if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and whether or not to use different sized app icons.

Closing Message: Understanding iMessage App Icon Sizes

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on iMessage app icon sizes. We hope that this information has been helpful and informative for you. As you can see, the size of your iMessage app icon is an important factor to consider when designing your app. In conclusion, we have discussed the different sizes of iMessage app icons and their importance in the overall design of an app. We have also talked about how to create and submit your app icon to the App Store, as well as some tips on how to make your icon stand out from the crowd. We encourage you to take the time to carefully consider the size and design of your iMessage app icon. This small detail can have a big impact on the success of your app. By following the guidelines set forth by Apple and taking advantage of the tips we have provided, you can create an icon that is both visually appealing and functional. Remember that the size of your iMessage app icon will vary depending on the device it is being used on. It is important to test your app icon on multiple devices to ensure that it looks great no matter where it is being used. We hope that this article has helped you to better understand iMessage app icon sizes and their importance. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to hear from our readers and help in any way we can. Thank you again for reading, and we wish you the best of luck in your app development endeavors!

People Also Ask About iMessage App Icon Sizes

What are the different sizes of iMessage app icons?

The iMessage app icon sizes vary depending on the device. Here are the sizes for each device:

  • iPhone 6s and earlier: 58 x 58 pixels
  • iPhone 7 and later: 60 x 60 pixels
  • iPad (non-Retina): 76 x 76 pixels
  • iPad (Retina): 152 x 152 pixels

Can I use any image for my iMessage app icon?

While you can technically use any image for your iMessage app icon, it is recommended that you follow Apple's guidelines. Your icon should be unique, easy to recognize, and clearly represent your app's purpose. It should also be legible at all sizes.

How do I create an iMessage app icon?

You will need to create a square image in the appropriate size for your device. You can use a graphic design tool like Adobe Photoshop or Sketch to create your icon. Once you have your image, you will need to save it as a PNG file with a transparent background. Then, you can upload it to Xcode and add it to your iMessage app project.

Do I need to update my iMessage app icon for every iOS update?

No, you do not need to update your iMessage app icon for every iOS update. However, it is recommended that you periodically review your app icon to ensure it still meets Apple's guidelines and represents your app accurately.