Troubleshooting: RedLaser App Unavailable on Your Device - Solutions and Alternatives


The highly popular RedLaser app is currently not available. Stay tuned for updates on when it will be back up and running.

Attention all shoppers! If you're a fan of the RedLaser app, we've got some bad news for you. As of late 2021, the popular barcode scanning app is no longer available for download. This comes as a surprise to many loyal users who have relied on RedLaser for years to compare prices and find the best deals. So what happened? Why did the app suddenly disappear from the App Store and Google Play?

First, let's take a look at what made RedLaser so popular in the first place. The app was known for its ability to quickly scan barcodes on products and provide users with up-to-date pricing information from multiple retailers. This made shopping easier and more convenient, especially for those who wanted to save money and avoid overpaying for items.

However, it seems that RedLaser's parent company, eBay, has decided to shift its focus away from the app and towards other areas of their business. In recent years, eBay has been working on expanding its own online marketplace and improving the user experience for buyers and sellers. It's possible that RedLaser simply didn't fit into this new strategy and was deemed expendable.

Of course, this isn't the first time we've seen a popular app disappear from the app stores. Sometimes, apps are removed due to technical issues or security concerns. Other times, the decision to remove an app is based on financial considerations or changes in company strategy. Regardless of the reason, it can be frustrating for users who have come to rely on these apps in their daily lives.

So what are the alternatives to RedLaser now that it's no longer available? There are certainly other barcode scanning apps out there, such as ScanLife, ShopSavvy, and Barcode Scanner. However, it's unclear if any of these apps will be able to provide the same level of functionality and ease of use that RedLaser did.

One thing is for sure: the disappearance of RedLaser is a reminder of how quickly things can change in the world of apps and technology. It's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments, as well as have a backup plan in case your favorite app is suddenly no longer available.

In conclusion, the loss of RedLaser is a blow to shoppers who relied on the app for its convenience and money-saving features. While there are other barcode scanning apps available, none may be able to fully replace what RedLaser offered. It remains to be seen if eBay will bring back the app in the future or if we'll need to look elsewhere for our barcode scanning needs.

The RedLaser App: The Ultimate Shopping Companion

RedLaser is an app that has revolutionized the way people shop. It has become a go-to tool for millions of consumers around the globe, allowing them to compare prices and find the best deals on products, both online and in-store. However, there have been reports that the app is no longer available for download. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this and what it means for shoppers who rely on RedLaser as their shopping companion.

What is RedLaser?

RedLaser is a barcode and QR code scanner that allows users to scan products and instantly compare prices from different retailers. It also provides information about the product, such as reviews and ratings, to help shoppers make informed decisions. The app was developed by eBay, and it has been downloaded millions of times since its launch in 2009.

Why is RedLaser Not Available?

There have been reports that the RedLaser app is no longer available for download on the App Store and Google Play Store. The reason behind this is not entirely clear, but it is believed that eBay has discontinued the app. Instead, eBay is focusing on its main app, which includes a barcode scanner feature.

The Future of RedLaser

While the RedLaser app may no longer be available, eBay has stated that the barcode scanning technology from RedLaser will still be accessible through its main app. This means that users can still enjoy the benefits of price comparison and other features that RedLaser provided.

Alternatives to RedLaser

For those who relied on RedLaser as their primary shopping companion, there are several alternatives available. Some of the most popular ones include:


ShopSavvy is a barcode scanner app that allows users to scan products and compare prices from thousands of retailers. It also provides information about the product, such as reviews and ratings.

Amazon Price Check

Amazon Price Check is an app that allows users to scan products and compare prices on Amazon. It also provides information about the product, such as reviews and ratings.


Honey is a browser extension that automatically applies coupon codes at checkout. It also provides price tracking and alerts users when the price drops on a product they are interested in.

The Benefits of Using a Shopping Companion App

Shopping companion apps, like RedLaser, provide several benefits to consumers. These include:

Price Comparison

Price comparison is one of the primary benefits of using a shopping companion app. It allows users to compare prices from different retailers and find the best deal on a product.

Product Information

Shopping companion apps also provide valuable information about products, such as reviews and ratings. This helps shoppers make informed decisions about their purchases.

Coupon Codes and Deals

Many shopping companion apps also provide coupon codes and deals that can be applied at checkout. This helps users save money on their purchases.

In Conclusion

While the RedLaser app may no longer be available, there are several alternatives that shoppers can use to compare prices and find the best deals. Shopping companion apps provide valuable information and help users make informed decisions about their purchases. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative shopping tools that make the shopping experience even better.

The Missing RedLaser App: What Happened?

RedLaser app has been a favorite among shoppers for years. It was a popular price comparison app that helped users scan barcodes and compare prices of products in various stores. With its user-friendly interface and accurate results, it quickly gained a large following. However, recently, many users have been left searching for the app as it has disappeared from app stores.

RedLaser App Disappears from App Stores

Users who tried to download the app or update it were met with disappointment as the app was no longer available. RedLaser was removed from both the Apple Store and Google Play, leaving its loyal users frustrated and confused. The app's sudden disappearance without any warning or explanation has sparked outrage among its users.

Where Did RedLaser Go? Users Left Searching

Users who had previously downloaded the app were still able to use it, but they were unable to update it. This meant that the app's functionality was limited, and users were not able to access the latest features and updates. Those who hadn't downloaded it before were left searching for answers as to why the app was no longer available.

RedLaser App No Longer Available for Download

The RedLaser app was a must-have for many shoppers who relied on its price comparison feature to save money. Its sudden disappearance left many users without a reliable alternative. Some users even reported that they were unable to find any other app that could provide the same level of accuracy and convenience as RedLaser.

Frustrated Users Search for Answers About Missing RedLaser App

As the news of RedLaser's disappearance spread, users took to social media to express their frustration and disappointment. They were left wondering why the app was removed without any explanation or warning. Many users had relied on the app for years, and its sudden disappearance came as a shock to them.

Is RedLaser App Gone for Good?

Many users are wondering if RedLaser is gone for good, or if it will make a comeback. The app's developers have not released any statement regarding its disappearance, leaving users in the dark about its future. However, there are some possible reasons for its removal.

RedLaser App: What You Need to Know About Its Disappearance

There are several possible reasons why the RedLaser app was removed from app stores. One reason could be that the app's developers decided to discontinue it and move on to other projects. Another reason could be that the app's features and functionality were outdated, and the developers decided to remove it to make way for a newer version.

Another possible reason could be legal issues or trademark disputes. The app's name and logo may have infringed on someone else's trademark, leading to its removal from app stores. However, none of these reasons have been confirmed by the app's developers, leaving users guessing about its disappearance.

RedLaser App Removal Sparks User Outrage

Regardless of the reason behind its removal, RedLaser's disappearance has caused outrage among its users. Many are disappointed that they can no longer access the app's features and compare prices of products in different stores. Some have even started petitions and social media campaigns to bring back the app.

Popular Price Comparison App RedLaser Suddenly Unavailable

RedLaser's sudden disappearance has left a void in the market for a reliable price comparison app. Many users are now searching for an alternative that can provide the same level of accuracy and convenience as RedLaser. However, finding a suitable replacement has proven to be a challenge.

RedLaser App: A Look at the Reasons Behind Its Disappearance

While the reasons behind RedLaser's disappearance remain unclear, it is clear that its loyal users are feeling the impact. The app's sudden removal has left many without a reliable price comparison tool, and finding a suitable alternative has become a challenge. It remains to be seen if the app will make a comeback or if users will have to rely on other apps to fulfill their shopping needs.

However, one thing is for sure: RedLaser's disappearance has sparked outrage among its users and highlighted the importance of reliable and useful shopping apps in today's market. As technology continues to evolve, users will continue to rely on apps to make their shopping experience more convenient and efficient. Hopefully, a new and improved version of RedLaser will reappear soon, providing users with the features and functionality they need to make informed shopping decisions.

Missing RedLaser App: A Missed Opportunity for Shoppers

The Pros and Cons of the Unavailability of RedLaser App

RedLaser is a popular barcode scanning app that allows shoppers to compare prices of products across various retailers. However, it has been reported that the app is no longer available for download. Here are some pros and cons of its unavailability:


  • RedLaser's unavailability may encourage shoppers to use other price comparison apps and discover new features that they may have overlooked in the past.
  • It may also prompt retailers to develop their own barcode scanning apps to attract customers who were previously relying on RedLaser.
  • Shoppers who relied heavily on RedLaser may learn to shop without it and become more mindful of their purchases, leading to smarter shopping decisions.


  • Without RedLaser, shoppers may find it difficult to compare prices efficiently, which may lead to overspending or missed opportunities for savings.
  • Other price comparison apps may not offer the same level of accuracy and reliability as RedLaser, which may result in frustration for users.
  • Shoppers who have grown accustomed to using RedLaser may have to adjust to a new app, which may take time and effort.

In conclusion, the unavailability of RedLaser app is a missed opportunity for shoppers who relied on it for their shopping needs. While there may be some benefits to its absence, overall, it is a loss for consumers who value convenience and savings.

Redlaser App is No Longer Available

Dear valued readers,

We regret to inform you that the Redlaser app is no longer available. This popular barcode scanning app was widely used by many individuals and businesses, and its sudden disappearance has left many users disappointed and frustrated.

The app was first introduced in 2009 and quickly gained popularity due to its easy-to-use interface and accurate barcode scanning capabilities. It allowed users to scan barcodes on products and receive information such as prices, reviews, and product details. The app also had a price comparison feature that enabled users to compare prices of products from different retailers.

However, in recent years, the app faced stiff competition from other barcode scanning apps, and its popularity began to decline. Despite efforts to update the app with new features and improvements, it was unable to keep up with the changing market trends and user preferences.

As a result, the developers of Redlaser made the difficult decision to discontinue the app. They cited several reasons for this decision, including the inability to sustain the app's development, the high cost of maintaining the servers, and the decreasing user base.

While there are other barcode scanning apps available, none have quite matched the ease of use and reliability of Redlaser. Users who relied on the app for their business or personal use will need to find an alternative solution.

If you are one of the many users affected by the discontinuation of Redlaser, we suggest exploring other barcode scanning apps such as Barcode Scanner, ScanLife Barcode & QR Reader, or ShopSavvy Barcode Scanner. These apps offer similar features and can be downloaded from the app store.

We understand how frustrating it can be to lose a trusted and useful app like Redlaser. However, it is important to remember that technology is constantly evolving, and apps come and go. It is essential to adapt and find alternative solutions when necessary.

In conclusion, we hope this message has been informative and helpful to our readers who relied on Redlaser. We encourage you to explore other barcode scanning apps available and find the one that best suits your needs.

Thank you for your continued support and readership.


The Blog Team

People Also Ask About RedLaser App Not Available

Why is the RedLaser app not available?

The RedLaser app is no longer available for download and use. eBay, the parent company of RedLaser, decided to discontinue the app in 2020 as part of their strategic shift towards enhancing their core marketplace and payments platforms.

Is there an alternative to RedLaser app?

Yes, there are several barcode scanner apps available on both iOS and Android platforms that can be used as an alternative to RedLaser. Some popular options include Barcode Scanner by ZXing Team, QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner by Scan, and ShopSavvy Barcode Scanner.

Can I still use RedLaser app if I have it installed on my phone?

If you already have RedLaser app installed on your phone, you may still be able to use it for barcode scanning, but the app will no longer be updated or supported. This means that any issues or bugs with the app will not be fixed by the developers.

What should I do if I have issues with RedLaser app?

If you have any issues with RedLaser app, such as it crashing or not working properly, you may want to consider switching to an alternative barcode scanning app. If you are experiencing issues with a purchase made through RedLaser, you should contact the seller or eBay customer support for assistance.

Will RedLaser app ever come back?

It is unlikely that RedLaser app will make a comeback as eBay has already made a decision to discontinue the app. However, eBay may introduce new barcode scanning features as part of their core marketplace platform in the future.