Streamline Your Class Management with Jackrabbit Class - The Ultimate Online Management Software!


Jackrabbit Class is a powerful web-based software to manage class schedules, registrations, payments, and communications for dance, music, gymnastics, and more.

Are you tired of managing your dance studio, gym, or music school manually? Do you want to streamline your administrative tasks and improve your students' experiences? If so, you need to check out This web application is designed to help program directors, instructors, and parents manage their classes and students more efficiently than ever before.

With Jackrabbit, you can say goodbye to the hassle of paper records and manual data entry. Instead, you'll have access to a cloud-based platform that lets you manage everything from attendance and billing to scheduling and communication. Whether you're running a small business or a large organization, this software can help you save time, reduce errors, and increase revenue.

One of the best things about Jackrabbit is its user-friendly interface. You don't need to be tech-savvy to use this app. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, so you can get started right away. Plus, the platform is customizable, so you can tailor it to your specific needs. Whether you want to add custom fields, create custom reports, or integrate with other tools, Jackrabbit makes it easy.

If you're worried about security and privacy, you can rest assured that Jackrabbit has you covered. The app uses industry-standard encryption and security protocols to protect your data from unauthorized access. You can also control who has access to your information, so you can ensure that only authorized users can view sensitive data.

Another great feature of Jackrabbit is its reporting capabilities. With this app, you can generate detailed reports on everything from enrollment and attendance to revenue and expenses. These reports can help you make informed decisions about your business and identify areas for improvement. Plus, you can export your data to Excel or other formats for further analysis.

If you're looking for a way to improve your students' experiences, Jackrabbit can help with that too. The app includes features like online registration, automatic billing, and parent portals, which can make it easier for parents to stay informed and engaged. You can also use the software to send automated emails and text messages, so you can keep everyone in the loop.

For instructors, Jackrabbit provides tools to help them manage their classes more effectively. They can use the app to take attendance, track skills and progress, and communicate with students and parents. Plus, the app includes a mobile app, so instructors can access their schedules and class information on the go.

If you're worried about the cost of Jackrabbit, don't be. The software is affordable and flexible, with pricing plans to fit any budget. Plus, the company offers a free trial, so you can test the app before you commit. And if you ever have any questions or issues, the Jackrabbit support team is available to help you 24/7.

Overall, Jackrabbit is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to streamline their administrative tasks, improve their students' experiences, and grow their business. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and affordable pricing, it's no wonder that Jackrabbit is the leading class management software on the market today.

If you want to learn more about Jackrabbit and how it can benefit your business, visit today and sign up for a free trial. You won't be disappointed!


Jackrabbit Class is an online software developed to simplify management and administration tasks of dance, gymnastics, and other class-based businesses. This web-based application is designed to automate the process of scheduling classes, billing, attendance tracking, and much more. With Jackrabbit Class, studio owners can streamline their business operations, making it easier to manage their classes and grow their businesses.


Scheduling Classes

One of the primary features of Jackrabbit Class is its ability to schedule classes. This feature allows studio owners to create and manage their class schedules easily. They can add new classes, set the frequency and duration of each class, and assign students to different classes. The system also allows studio owners to set up recurring classes for regular students automatically.

Billing and Payment Processing

Jackrabbit Class makes it easy for studio owners to manage their billing and payment processes. With this software, studio owners can generate invoices and track payments easily. The system also supports multiple payment methods, including credit card, ACH, and PayPal. Additionally, studio owners can set up automatic billing to ensure that they get paid on time.

Attendance Tracking

Jackrabbit Class allows studio owners to track the attendance of their students easily. This feature allows them to monitor student attendance and keep track of their progress. The system also generates reports that show attendance trends and patterns, which can help studio owners make data-driven decisions about their classes.

Online Registration

Jackrabbit Class also offers online registration functionality. This feature allows studio owners to create custom registration forms and collect student information online. The system also allows students to register for classes and pay for fees online, making the process more convenient for both students and studio owners.



Jackrabbit Class is designed to save studio owners time by automating administrative tasks. This software reduces the need for manual processes, such as creating schedules, generating invoices, and tracking attendance, freeing up time for studio owners to focus on other aspects of their businesses.

Improved Efficiency

The automation of management and administration tasks also improves efficiency. With Jackrabbit Class, studio owners can manage their classes more effectively, reducing errors and improving the overall quality of service they provide to their students.

Increased Revenue

By streamlining their business operations and improving their efficiency, studio owners can also increase revenue. With Jackrabbit Class, studio owners can manage their classes more effectively, which can lead to increased enrollment, higher retention rates, and better customer satisfaction.


Jackrabbit Class offers flexibility, allowing studio owners to customize the software to meet their needs. Studio owners can choose from a range of features and functions, selecting the ones that are most relevant to their businesses. Additionally, the software is cloud-based, which means that it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.


Jackrabbit Class offers three pricing plans: Core, Accelerate, and Amplify. The Core plan starts at $45 per month and includes basic features such as class scheduling, billing, and attendance tracking. The Accelerate plan starts at $90 per month and includes additional features such as online registration and email marketing. The Amplify plan starts at $150 per month and includes advanced features such as staff management and custom reporting.


Jackrabbit Class is an essential tool for studio owners looking to streamline their business operations and grow their businesses. This software offers a range of features and functions that can help studio owners save time, improve efficiency, increase revenue, and provide better customer service. With three pricing plans to choose from, studio owners can select the plan that best meets their needs and budget. Overall, Jackrabbit Class is a must-have tool for any studio owner looking to take their business to the next level.

Streamlining Class Management with Jackrabbit

Running a dance, music, or gym studio can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to managing classes, schedules, payments, and communication with parents and students. That's where Jackrabbit Class Management software comes in handy. Jackrabbit is a cloud-based system that provides studios with a centralized platform for organizing all their activities and streamlining class management.Whether you're a small studio just starting out or a large organization with multiple locations, Jackrabbit has features and benefits that can help you optimize your workflow, simplify scheduling and attendance tracking, customize your interface, maximize revenue, keep your studio organized, enhance communication, integrate external services, and ensure data security.

Features and Benefits of Jackrabbit Class Management Software

Jackrabbit offers a wide range of features and benefits that make it a top choice for studio owners and administrators. Here are some of the key features and benefits:

Centralized Platform

Jackrabbit provides a centralized platform for managing all your studio activities, including class schedules, student and staff profiles, attendance tracking, billing and payments, reporting, and communication. This helps you avoid the hassle of using multiple tools and systems that may not be integrated, which can lead to errors and inefficiencies.

Cloud-Based System

Jackrabbit is a cloud-based system, which means that you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection. This gives you the flexibility to manage your studio remotely, whether you're at home, on the go, or at a different location. It also means that you don't have to worry about data backups, software upgrades, or hardware maintenance, as Jackrabbit takes care of all these tasks for you.

Customizable Interface

Jackrabbit allows you to customize your interface to suit your studio's needs and preferences. You can choose from a variety of themes, colors, fonts, and layouts, as well as add your logo, images, and content. This helps you create a professional and consistent look and feel across all your studio's communications and interactions with parents and students.

Scheduling and Attendance Tracking

Jackrabbit simplifies scheduling and attendance tracking by providing a visual calendar that shows you all your classes and events in one place. You can easily add, edit, or cancel classes, assign instructors and rooms, set recurring schedules, and manage waitlists. You can also track attendance using various methods, such as barcode scanning, PIN entry, or manual check-in. This helps you save time and avoid errors in recording attendance data.

Billing and Payment Tools

Jackrabbit offers a range of billing and payment tools that help you maximize revenue and minimize administrative overhead. You can set up automatic payments, prorated fees, discounts, late fees, and refunds, as well as generate invoices, receipts, and statements. You can also integrate with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, and, to offer secure and convenient online payment options to parents and students.

Reporting Features

Jackrabbit provides a variety of reporting features that help you keep your studio organized and informed. You can generate reports on attendance, enrollment, revenue, staff hours, student profiles, and more, as well as export data to Excel, PDF, or CSV formats. You can also schedule reports to be sent automatically to your inbox or shared with other stakeholders, such as board members or investors.

Communication with Parents and Students

Jackrabbit enhances communication with parents and students by providing various channels and tools for sharing information, updates, and feedback. You can send emails, texts, or push notifications to individuals or groups, as well as post announcements, alerts, and messages on your website or social media pages. You can also enable parent and student portals, where they can access their schedules, attendance, billing, and other information, as well as communicate with you directly.

API and Plugins

Jackrabbit allows you to integrate external services with its API and plugins, which can help you extend its functionality and streamline your workflow even further. You can connect with popular software tools, such as QuickBooks, Mailchimp, and Google Calendar, as well as customize your own plugins using Jackrabbit's developer resources. This helps you leverage the power of existing tools and create tailored solutions for your studio's unique needs.

Data Security

Jackrabbit ensures data security by using a cloud-based system that encrypts all data in transit and at rest, as well as by complying with industry standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS and GDPR. It also provides role-based access controls, audit trails, and password policies, to prevent unauthorized access, detect anomalies, and enforce good practices. This helps you protect your studio's sensitive information and maintain the trust of your parents and students.

Best Practices for Getting the Most Out of Jackrabbit Class Management

To get the most out of Jackrabbit Class Management software, here are some best practices to follow:

Plan ahead

Before you start using Jackrabbit, take some time to plan your workflows, policies, and procedures. This will help you avoid confusion, errors, and inconsistencies later on. You can also consult Jackrabbit's support team or online resources for guidance and advice.

Train your staff

Make sure your staff is trained on how to use Jackrabbit effectively and efficiently. This will help them save time, reduce errors, and improve communication with parents and students. You can also use Jackrabbit's training materials, videos, and webinars to supplement your own training efforts.

Keep your data up to date

Regularly update your data in Jackrabbit to ensure accuracy and completeness. This will help you generate reliable reports, make informed decisions, and provide better service to parents and students. You can also use Jackrabbit's data import and export tools to streamline this process.

Use automation wisely

Use Jackrabbit's automation features, such as automatic payments, reminders, and notifications, wisely and judiciously. This will help you save time, reduce errors, and increase revenue, while also avoiding spamming or annoying your parents and students. You can also customize your automation settings to suit your preferences and policies.

Monitor your performance

Regularly monitor your performance using Jackrabbit's reporting features and dashboards. This will help you identify trends, opportunities, and challenges, as well as track your progress towards your goals. You can also use Jackrabbit's benchmarking data and industry insights to compare your performance with other studios and improve your competitiveness.

Solicit feedback and suggestions

Solicit feedback and suggestions from your parents and students on how to improve your studio's services and offerings. This will help you stay responsive, relevant, and customer-oriented. You can also use Jackrabbit's surveys and feedback tools to gather and analyze this feedback in a systematic and meaningful way.


Jackrabbit Class Management software is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your class management, simplify scheduling and attendance tracking, customize your interface, maximize revenue, keep your studio organized, enhance communication, integrate external services, and ensure data security. By following best practices and leveraging its features and benefits, you can optimize your workflow, improve your performance, and provide better service to your parents and students.

My Point of View on Jackrabbit Class


Jackrabbit Class is a web-based software designed for dance studios, gymnastics facilities, and other similar businesses. The platform provides a variety of tools to manage classes, schedules, billing, and other administrative tasks.


1. User-Friendly Interface: Jackrabbit Class has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate the platform.

2. Customizable Reports: The platform provides a wide range of customizable reports that give users detailed insights into their business operations.

3. Automated Billing: Jackrabbit Class allows users to automate their billing process, saving time and reducing the chances of billing errors.

4. Mobile App: Jackrabbit Class has a mobile app that enables users to manage their business on the go.


1. Cost: Jackrabbit Class is relatively expensive compared to other similar platforms in the market.

2. Limited Integrations: The platform has limited integrations with third-party software, which may be a problem for some users.

3. Steep Learning Curve: While the interface is user-friendly, the platform has a steep learning curve, which may be challenging for some users.

In conclusion, while Jackrabbit Class may have some cons, its pros outweigh them. The platform's user-friendly interface, customizable reports, automated billing, and mobile app make it an ideal choice for dance studios, gymnastics facilities, and other similar businesses.

Closing Message for Visitors of

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about We hope that you have found the information useful and informative in understanding the benefits and features of our software. If you are considering using an online class management system, we believe that is the perfect solution for your business needs.

Our software has been designed with the specific purpose of making class management as simple and streamlined as possible. We understand that running a business can be challenging, which is why we have developed tools that can help you save time, reduce costs, and increase revenue. With, you can focus on what really matters - providing your students with the best possible experience.

One of the key benefits of is its user-friendly interface. Our software has been developed with ease of use in mind, meaning that you don't need to be a tech expert to get started. The dashboard is intuitive, and all the features are clearly labeled and easy to navigate. This means that you can get up and running quickly and start managing your classes with ease.

Another great feature of is its flexibility. Whether you run a dance studio, music school, or martial arts dojo, our software can be customized to meet your unique needs. You can create custom fields, set up billing and payment plans, and even manage staff and inventory. This means that you can tailor the software to match your specific business requirements.

We also understand that security is a top priority for any business, which is why we have taken steps to ensure that your data is always safe and secure. uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to protect your information, and our servers are hosted in a secure data center to prevent unauthorized access. You can rest assured that your data is in safe hands with

One of the key benefits of using is the time-saving features that it offers. Our software automates many of the tasks that can be time-consuming, such as billing and scheduling. This means that you can spend more time focusing on your students and less time on administrative tasks. The software also allows you to communicate with parents and students directly through the system, making it easier to keep everyone informed and up-to-date.

If you are looking for a way to grow your business, then can help. Our software has been designed to help you increase revenue by offering online registration and payment options. This means that you can reach a wider audience and attract new students from all over the world. You can also use the software to analyze your business data and identify areas where you can improve your operations.

We understand that customer support is essential when it comes to using any software. That's why we offer comprehensive support to all of our customers. Our support team is available to answer any questions that you may have, and we offer a range of resources, including training videos, webinars, and user guides, to help you get the most out of the software.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an easy-to-use, flexible, and secure class management system that can save you time, reduce costs, and increase revenue, then is the perfect solution for your business needs. We are confident that you will love our software and the benefits that it can offer your business. Thank you for considering, and we look forward to helping you grow your business.

People Also Ask about

What is Jackrabbit Class?

Jackrabbit Class is a web-based class management software designed for dance, music, and gymnastics studios. It helps these businesses manage their classes, schedules, payments, and students in one place.

Is Jackrabbit Class easy to use?

Yes! Jackrabbit Class is user-friendly and designed to be easy to use. The software is intuitive, meaning that you won't need any special training to get started.

Can I try Jackrabbit Class before I buy it?

Yes! Jackrabbit Class offers a free trial of its software. You can sign up for a free trial on the company's website and test out the software for yourself.

How much does Jackrabbit Class cost?

Jackrabbit Class pricing varies depending on the number of active students you have. The company offers four pricing plans:

  1. Jump Start - $45/month for up to 30 students
  2. Standard - $90/month for up to 100 students
  3. Accelerate - $165/month for up to 250 students
  4. Growth - $265/month for up to 500 students

If you have more than 500 students, Jackrabbit Class also offers custom pricing.

Can Jackrabbit Class help me manage my classes remotely?

Yes! Jackrabbit Class is cloud-based, which means that you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easy to manage your classes and students remotely.