Experience a New Way of Learning with See Touch Learn App - Perfect for Early Childhood Education


See Touch Learn app is designed for children with autism spectrum disorder. The app helps them to learn and communicate through interactive visuals.

The See Touch Learn app is revolutionizing the way children with special needs learn and interact with the world around them. Designed by professionals in the field of education and special needs, this app offers a wide range of activities and games to help children develop key skills in areas like communication, socialization, and cognition. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, See Touch Learn is quickly becoming a must-have tool for parents and educators alike.

One of the most impressive features of the See Touch Learn app is its ability to adapt to the unique needs of each individual child. The app includes a comprehensive assessment tool that allows parents and educators to identify a child's strengths and weaknesses, and then tailor the app's activities to meet those specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that every child is able to learn and grow at their own pace, without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

Another standout feature of the See Touch Learn app is its extensive library of high-quality images and graphics. These images are carefully selected to be engaging and relevant to children with special needs, and are designed to help build vocabulary, improve comprehension, and encourage communication. The app also includes interactive games and activities that make learning fun and engaging, while still providing valuable opportunities for skill development.

For parents and educators who are new to working with children with special needs, the See Touch Learn app provides a wealth of resources and support. The app includes a variety of tutorials, videos, and other educational materials that can help parents and educators better understand the challenges faced by children with special needs, and learn effective strategies for supporting their development.

In addition to its many educational benefits, the See Touch Learn app is also incredibly convenient and easy to use. The app can be downloaded and installed on any smartphone or tablet, making it accessible from virtually anywhere. And with its intuitive interface and simple navigation, even children with limited motor skills or cognitive abilities can use the app with ease.

Of course, no app is perfect, and the See Touch Learn app is no exception. Some users have reported occasional glitches or bugs, particularly when using certain features or activities. However, the app's developers are constantly working to identify and fix these issues, and updates are regularly released to address any problems that arise.

Overall, the See Touch Learn app is an incredibly valuable tool for parents and educators who work with children with special needs. With its personalized approach, engaging activities, and extensive library of resources, this app has the potential to transform the way children with special needs learn and grow. Whether you're a parent looking to support your child's development at home, or an educator looking for new ways to engage your students in the classroom, the See Touch Learn app is definitely worth exploring.

If you're interested in learning more about the See Touch Learn app, be sure to check out the app's website or download it from your favorite app store today!


See Touch Learn app is an innovative educational app designed to help individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) learn, communicate and develop their skills. This app is specially created to cater to the needs of individuals with ASD and their learning style. It is an interactive and visually appealing app that offers a wide range of activities and games that are engaging and fun.

Features of the App

The See Touch Learn app comes with several features that make it unique and highly effective. One of the notable features is the ability to create custom lessons and activities. This means that parents, caregivers, and teachers can create personalized lessons that cater to the individual needs of the child. The app also offers a wide range of pre-made lessons and activities that cover different topics and skills.

Custom Lesson Creation

To create a custom lesson, users can upload their own images, record their own audio, and add their own text. This feature allows for a more personalized learning experience that is tailored to the specific needs of the child. The app also comes with a library of over 4,400 images and 2,200 exercises that can be used to create custom lessons.

Pre-Made Lessons and Activities

The See Touch Learn app comes with over 4,000 pre-made lessons and activities that cover a range of topics and skills. These pre-made lessons are designed to be engaging, interactive, and fun. They cover a variety of topics such as language, social skills, math, science, and more.

How it Works

The See Touch Learn app uses a visual learning approach that is highly effective for individuals with ASD. The app presents information in a visual format, which helps individuals with ASD better understand and process information. The app also provides immediate feedback, which allows individuals to learn at their own pace.

Visual Learning Approach

The visual learning approach used by the See Touch Learn app is based on the proven principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This approach has been shown to be highly effective for individuals with ASD and is widely used in therapy and educational settings.

Immediate Feedback

The See Touch Learn app provides immediate feedback to the user, which helps them learn at their own pace. For example, if a user selects the wrong answer, the app will provide corrective feedback and encourage the user to try again. This feature helps individuals with ASD build confidence and develop their skills.

Benefits of the App

The See Touch Learn app offers several benefits to individuals with ASD, parents, caregivers, and teachers. One of the primary benefits is that it helps individuals with ASD learn and develop their skills in a fun and engaging way. The app also provides parents, caregivers, and teachers with a tool to help them create personalized lessons that cater to the individual needs of the child.

Fun and Engaging

The See Touch Learn app is designed to be fun and engaging. It uses interactive games and activities that are visually appealing and entertaining. This approach helps individuals with ASD stay engaged and motivated to learn.

Personalized Learning

The See Touch Learn app allows parents, caregivers, and teachers to create personalized lessons that cater to the individual needs of the child. This feature helps ensure that the child is learning at their own pace and in a way that is best suited for them.


The See Touch Learn app is an innovative educational app that is highly effective for individuals with ASD. It uses a visual learning approach and provides immediate feedback, which helps individuals learn at their own pace. The app also offers several features that make it unique and highly effective, such as the ability to create custom lessons and activities. Overall, the See Touch Learn app is a valuable tool for parents, caregivers, and teachers who are looking for a fun and engaging way to help individuals with ASD learn and develop their skills.

Overview of See Touch Learn App

See Touch Learn is an educational app designed specifically for children with special learning needs. It was developed by Brain Parade, a company that specializes in creating apps for individuals with disabilities. The app has been a game-changer for both parents and teachers who struggle to teach effectively to children with autism, Down syndrome, and other developmental disorders. With over 4 million users worldwide, See Touch Learn has become a go-to resource for parents and educators alike.The app is interactive, engaging, and easy to use. It features over 4,400 pictures and 2,000 exercises that help children learn and improve their communication, social, and academic skills. The app is fully customizable, which means that parents and teachers can create personalized lesson plans for each child based on their individual needs and abilities.

Features of the See Touch Learn App

The See Touch Learn app comes packed with features that make it stand out from other educational apps. Here are some of the most notable features:

Customizable Lessons:

One of the biggest advantages of See Touch Learn is the ability to create customized lessons for each child. Parents and teachers can choose from a wide range of exercises and lessons to create a plan that meets the specific needs of each child. This feature allows for more personalized learning experiences, which can lead to better outcomes.

Interactive Lessons:

See Touch Learn features interactive lessons that are designed to keep children engaged and interested. The app uses real-life pictures and sounds to make learning more fun and enjoyable. Children can touch and drag items on the screen, making learning a hands-on experience.

Data Collection:

The app collects data on each child's progress and performance. This information can be used to monitor progress and adjust lesson plans as needed. Data collection also enables parents and teachers to track the child's progress and communicate with each other about their needs.

Collaboration and Sharing:

See Touch Learn allows parents and teachers to collaborate and share lesson plans and data. This feature makes it easier for parents and teachers to work together to create a consistent learning experience for the child.


The app is fully accessible, meaning that it can be used by children with different disabilities. See Touch Learn supports multiple languages and has an option for text-to-speech functionality, making it accessible to children with hearing or visual impairments.

Benefits of Using the See Touch Learn App

The See Touch Learn app provides numerous benefits for children with special needs. Here are some of the most significant advantages:

Improved Communication Skills:

The app uses real-life pictures and sounds to help children develop better communication skills. Children learn new words and phrases, which they can use to communicate more effectively with others.

Enhanced Social Skills:

See Touch Learn helps children develop better social skills by teaching them how to interact with others in various situations. Children can practice social skills like turn-taking, sharing, and following instructions.

Increased Independence:

The app helps children become more independent by teaching them essential life skills, such as personal hygiene, safety, and self-care. These skills can help children become more self-sufficient and less reliant on others.

Improved Academic Skills:

The app helps children develop better academic skills by teaching them concepts such as math, reading, and writing. Children can practice these skills at their own pace, making learning more engaging and fun.

Personalized Learning Experiences:

See Touch Learn provides personalized learning experiences for each child, based on their individual needs and abilities. This feature ensures that each child receives the support they need to succeed.

How to Get Started with See Touch Learn App

Getting started with See Touch Learn is easy. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Download the App:

The app is available for download on both IOS and Android devices. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Step 2: Create an Account:

Once the app is downloaded, create an account. The account allows parents and teachers to save data and track progress.

Step 3: Choose a Plan:

Choose a plan that suits your needs. The app offers both free and paid plans. The free plan comes with limited features, while the paid plan offers more features.

Step 4: Start Creating Lessons:

Start creating lessons that meet the specific needs of the child. There are over 4,400 pictures and 2,000 exercises to choose from, making it easy to create customized lessons.

Creating Customized Lessons with See Touch Learn App

Creating customized lessons with See Touch Learn is easy. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose a Template:

Choose a template from the app's library. The templates serve as a guide for creating lessons.

Step 2: Add Pictures:

Add pictures from the app's library or upload your own. The pictures should be relevant to the lesson you are creating.

Step 3: Add Text and Audio:

Add text and audio to each picture to create a complete lesson. The text should be easy to read and understand, while the audio should be clear and audible.

Step 4: Save and Assign:

Save the lesson and assign it to the child. The lesson will appear on the child's dashboard, where they can access it at any time.

Integrating See Touch Learn App into Daily Activities

Integrating See Touch Learn into daily activities is an effective way to reinforce learning. Here are some ways to integrate the app:

Use it During Mealtime:

Use the app during mealtime to teach children about nutrition and healthy eating habits. The app features pictures of different foods and teaches children about their nutritional value.

Use it During Playtime:

Use the app during playtime to teach children about different types of toys and games. The app features pictures of different toys and games, which children can touch and interact with.

Use it During Outings:

Use the app during outings to teach children about different places and landmarks. The app features pictures of different places and landmarks, which children can explore and learn about.

Use it During Bedtime:

Use the app during bedtime to reinforce learning and promote relaxation. The app features calming pictures and sounds, which can help children fall asleep easier.

Personalizing Learning Experiences for Individuals with See Touch Learn App

Personalizing learning experiences is critical when working with individuals with special needs. Here are some tips for personalizing learning experiences with See Touch Learn:

Focus on Strengths:

When creating lessons, focus on the child's strengths and interests. This approach makes learning more engaging and enjoyable for the child.

Use Real-life Pictures:

Use real-life pictures to make learning more relatable. Children with special needs often struggle with abstract concepts, so using real-life pictures can help make learning more concrete.

Adjust Pace:

Adjust the pace of the lessons based on the child's needs and abilities. Some children may need more time to complete a lesson, while others may need less.

Monitor Progress:

Monitor the child's progress and adjust lesson plans as needed. This approach ensures that the child receives the support they need to succeed.

Collaboration and Sharing with See Touch Learn App

Collaboration and sharing are essential when working with individuals with special needs. Here are some ways to collaborate and share with See Touch Learn:

Share Lesson Plans:

Share lesson plans with other parents and teachers to get feedback and ideas. This approach can help improve the quality of lessons and lead to better outcomes for the child.

Communicate with Parents and Teachers:

Communicate with parents and teachers about the child's progress and needs. This approach ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Use Data to Inform Decisions:

Use data to inform decisions about the child's learning. Data collection can provide valuable insights into the child's progress and help identify areas that need improvement.

Updates and Enhancements to See Touch Learn App

See Touch Learn app continues to evolve and improve. Here are some updates and enhancements that have been added to the app:

New Pictures:

The app has added new pictures to its library, making it easier to create customized lessons.

New Templates:

New templates have been added to the app's library, providing more options for creating lessons.

Improved Data Collection:

The app's data collection has been improved, making it easier to track progress and make informed decisions.

New Features:

New features have been added to the app, such as the ability to track multiple users and the option to use text-to-speech functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions about See Touch Learn App

Here are some frequently asked questions about See Touch Learn:

Is the App Available in Multiple Languages?

Yes, the app is available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese.

Can Teachers and Parents Collaborate on Lesson Plans?

Yes, teachers and parents can collaborate on lesson plans and share ideas and feedback.

Can the App Be Used by Children with Different Disabilities?

Yes, the app is fully accessible and can be used by children with different disabilities, including autism, Down syndrome, and other developmental disorders.

Is the App Free?

The app offers both free and paid plans. The free plan comes with limited features, while the paid plan offers more features.

Can the App Be Used Offline?

No, the app requires an internet connection to function properly.

My Point of View on See Touch Learn App


See Touch Learn is an app that has been designed to help children with autism and other developmental disabilities learn new skills. It uses a combination of pictures, sounds, and interactive activities to engage learners and keep them interested. The app has gained popularity among parents and educators who have found it to be a useful tool in teaching children with special needs.


  1. The app is highly customizable. Parents and educators can create their own lessons and activities tailored to the specific needs of their children or students.
  2. The app is easy to use. Children can navigate through the different activities independently, which helps build their confidence and self-esteem.
  3. The app has a vast library of pictures and sounds, making it possible to teach a wide range of skills and concepts.
  4. The app is affordable. Compared to traditional teaching aids, the app is relatively cheap, making it accessible to parents and educators who may not have the resources to invest in expensive teaching materials.


  • While the app is great for teaching basic skills and concepts, it may not be suitable for more advanced learners who require more complex teaching methods.
  • Some users have reported technical issues such as slow loading times and occasional glitches.
  • The app may not be appropriate for all learners. Some children may find the app too overwhelming or may not respond well to the visual and auditory stimuli.


Overall, I believe that See Touch Learn is an excellent app for children with special needs. It provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn new skills and concepts, and its customization options make it a versatile tool for parents and educators. While there may be some technical issues and limitations to the app, I believe that its benefits far outweigh its drawbacks.

See.Touch.Learn. App: A Revolutionary Tool for Learning

Thank you for taking the time to read about the See.Touch.Learn. App, a revolutionary tool for learning. We hope that this article has given you a comprehensive understanding of the app and its benefits. In this closing message, we will briefly summarize what we have discussed and why we believe that See.Touch.Learn. is an invaluable tool for educators and parents alike.

Firstly, we have discussed the importance of visual aids in the learning process, particularly for children with special needs. See.Touch.Learn. provides a vast library of customizable images and activities that can be tailored to the individual needs of each child. This ensures that they are engaged and motivated to learn, making the process more enjoyable and effective.

Secondly, we have highlighted the convenience of the app. With the ability to access the app on any device, anytime, anywhere, caregivers and educators can keep track of their child's progress and adapt the activities accordingly. This feature allows for seamless integration into daily routines and promotes consistency in learning.

Thirdly, we have emphasized the ease of use of the app. The user-friendly interface and step-by-step instructions make it easy for anyone to use, regardless of their technological proficiency. Moreover, the app offers a range of features such as audio prompts and timers, which further enhances the learning experience.

Fourthly, we have discussed the effectiveness of the app. Studies have shown that visual aids improve retention and comprehension, making See.Touch.Learn. an excellent tool for teaching new concepts and reinforcing existing ones. Additionally, the app provides instant feedback, allowing educators and parents to track progress and adjust accordingly.

Fifthly, we have talked about the affordability of the app. See.Touch.Learn. offers a range of pricing plans to suit various budgets, making it accessible to a wider audience. Furthermore, the app offers a free trial, which allows users to test out the features before committing to a plan.

In conclusion, See.Touch.Learn. is a revolutionary tool that has transformed the way we teach and learn. Its vast library of customizable images and activities, convenience, ease of use, effectiveness, and affordability make it an invaluable tool for educators and parents alike. We hope that you will consider using the app to enhance your child's learning experience.

Thank you once again for reading about the See.Touch.Learn. App. We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with the app in the comments below. Let us know how it has helped you or your child, and any suggestions you may have for improvement.

Remember, with See.Touch.Learn., learning is just a touch away!

People Also Ask About See Touch Learn App

What is See Touch Learn App?

See Touch Learn is an educational app that provides visual learning tools for children with special needs. It uses highly effective, research-based teaching techniques to help children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities learn language, social, and cognitive skills.

Is See Touch Learn App free?

No, See Touch Learn App is not free. However, it offers a 30-day free trial period for users to try out the app before subscribing. After the trial period, users can choose to subscribe monthly or yearly.

What age group is See Touch Learn App designed for?

The See Touch Learn App is designed for children aged two to ten years old with special needs such as autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, and other developmental disabilities. The app's content is customizable to fit each child's individual needs and goals.

What skills does See Touch Learn App teach?

See Touch Learn App teaches language, social, and cognitive skills through visual learning tools such as flashcards, matching games, and puzzles. The app also includes pre-made lessons and the ability to create custom lessons to fit each child's unique needs and learning goals.

Is See Touch Learn App easy to use?

Yes, See Touch Learn App is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. The app's interface is intuitive and simple, allowing both parents and educators to easily create and manage lessons for their children.

Can See Touch Learn App be used offline?

Yes, See Touch Learn App can be used offline once downloaded. However, some features such as picture downloads and lesson sharing require an internet connection.

How do I cancel my See Touch Learn App subscription?

To cancel your See Touch Learn App subscription, go to your account settings and select Cancel Subscription. Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.

Does See Touch Learn App offer customer support?

Yes, See Touch Learn App offers customer support through email and a support forum. Users can submit questions or concerns through the app's support page and can also find helpful resources and information on the support forum.