Boost Your Online Sales with Auctiva App for Android: Streamline Your Listing and Management Process!


Auctiva's Android app simplifies eBay selling. Manage listings, track sales & shipments, and communicate with buyers - all from your phone!

If you're a seller on eBay, you know how important it is to have a tool that can help you manage your listings effectively. Auctiva, the leading third-party provider of eBay listing tools, has released an app for Android that allows you to take full control of your eBay account from your mobile device. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, the Auctiva app for Android is a must-have for any eBay seller.

One of the standout features of the Auctiva app is its ability to create and manage listings on the go. This means that you can list items for sale from anywhere, at any time. Whether you're at home, at the office, or on the go, the Auctiva app makes it easy to create professional-looking listings that will attract buyers.

The Auctiva app also offers a variety of listing templates to choose from, so you can customize your listings to suit your needs. You can add multiple photos to your listings, set pricing and shipping options, and even schedule listings to start and end at specific times.

Another great feature of the Auctiva app is its inventory management system. With this tool, you can keep track of all your items for sale, including their current status and pricing. You can also update your inventory in real-time, so you always know what you have available for sale.

In addition to its listing and inventory management tools, the Auctiva app also provides valuable analytics and reporting features. With these tools, you can track your sales performance, monitor your competition, and make informed decisions about your pricing and inventory strategy.

The Auctiva app is also designed to streamline the shipping process for eBay sellers. With its built-in shipping calculator, you can quickly and easily calculate the cost of shipping your items to buyers. You can also print shipping labels directly from the app, saving you time and hassle.

One of the most impressive things about the Auctiva app is its integration with eBay's messaging system. With this tool, you can communicate with your buyers directly from the app, without having to log in to your eBay account separately. This makes it easy to respond to buyer inquiries and resolve any issues that may arise during the sales process.

When it comes to managing your eBay account, the Auctiva app has got you covered. Its powerful tools and user-friendly interface make it easy to create and manage listings, track your inventory, analyze your sales performance, and communicate with buyers. Whether you're a seasoned eBay seller or just starting out, the Auctiva app for Android is an essential tool for success.

In conclusion, if you want to take your eBay selling game to the next level, you need the Auctiva app for Android. With its comprehensive suite of tools and features, you can streamline your listing and inventory management, improve your sales performance, and keep your customers happy. So why wait? Download the Auctiva app today and start selling like a pro!


Auctiva is a popular online marketplace that allows sellers to easily list and sell their products. The platform offers a wide range of features that make it easier for sellers to manage their inventory, track their sales, and communicate with buyers. In addition to the web-based platform, Auctiva also offers a mobile app for Android devices that allows sellers to manage their listings and sales on the go. This article will explore the Auctiva app for Android and its features.

Overview of the Auctiva App

The Auctiva app for Android is a free application that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The app allows sellers to manage their listings, view their sales history, and communicate with buyers. The app is designed to be easy to use and provides sellers with access to all the features available on the web-based platform.

Features of the Auctiva App

The Auctiva app for Android offers a range of features that make it easier for sellers to manage their listings and sales. Some of the key features of the app include:

1. Listing Management

The app allows sellers to create, edit, and manage their listings directly from their Android device. Sellers can upload photos, set prices, and add descriptions to their listings. The app also allows sellers to manage multiple listings at once, making it easier to keep track of their inventory.

2. Sales Tracking

The Auctiva app provides sellers with real-time updates on their sales. Sellers can view their sales history, track their orders, and receive notifications when they make a sale. The app also provides sellers with access to their buyer's contact information, making it easier to communicate with them.

3. Communication with Buyers

The app allows sellers to easily communicate with their buyers. Sellers can send messages to buyers, respond to questions, and provide updates on their orders. The app also provides sellers with access to their buyer's contact information, making it easier to communicate with them.

4. Shipping Management

The Auctiva app allows sellers to manage their shipping options directly from their Android device. Sellers can choose their shipping method, print shipping labels, and track their shipments. The app also provides sellers with access to their buyer's shipping information, making it easier to manage their orders.

Benefits of the Auctiva App

The Auctiva app for Android offers a range of benefits for sellers who are looking to manage their listings and sales on the go. Some of the key benefits of the app include:

1. Convenience

The app allows sellers to manage their listings and sales from anywhere at any time. This makes it easier for sellers to stay on top of their inventory and sales, even when they are away from their computer.

2. Efficiency

The app makes it easier for sellers to manage their inventory and sales. Sellers can quickly create new listings, edit existing listings, and manage their orders. This saves time and makes it easier for sellers to stay organized.

3. Increased Sales

The app allows sellers to communicate with their buyers more efficiently, which can lead to increased sales. By responding to questions and providing updates on orders, sellers can build trust with their buyers and encourage repeat business.


The Auctiva app for Android is a powerful tool that can help sellers manage their inventory and sales on the go. With its range of features and benefits, the app is a must-have for any seller looking to stay competitive in today's online marketplace. Whether you are a seasoned seller or just starting out, the Auctiva app can help you succeed.

Introduction to Auctiva App for Android

If you're an eBay seller, you know how important it is to have a reliable tool to manage your listings and track your sales. With the Auctiva App for Android, you can take your eBay business with you wherever you go. This powerful app makes it easy to create and manage your eBay listings, track your sales, and increase your profits.

Features and benefits of Auctiva App

The Auctiva App for Android is packed with features that help eBay sellers streamline their businesses and boost their sales. Here are some of the key benefits of using this app:

1. Easy listing creation

Creating eBay listings can be a time-consuming process, but with Auctiva App's intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily create professional-looking listings with just a few taps. The app offers a variety of templates and customization options, so you can create listings that stand out from the crowd.

2. Automatic relisting

When your eBay items expire, the Auctiva App will automatically relist them for you, saving you time and ensuring that your items stay visible to potential buyers.

3. Sales tracking and order management

With the Auctiva App, you can track your eBay sales in real-time and manage orders from within the app. You'll receive notifications when you make a sale, and you can view your sales history and order details at any time.

4. Schedule listings

The Auctiva App allows you to schedule your eBay listings in advance, so you can set them up to post at the most optimal times for your target audience. This feature is especially useful for sellers who have busy schedules or who want to maximize their exposure to potential buyers.

5. Image hosting

The Auctiva App provides free image hosting for eBay listings, so you can upload your photos directly to the app and include them in your listings. This feature saves you money on image hosting fees and ensures that your listings look professional and attractive.

How to download and install Auctiva App on your Android device

To download and install the Auctiva App on your Android device, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open Google Play Store

Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.

Step 2: Search for Auctiva App

Search for Auctiva in the search bar at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Install Auctiva App

Tap the Install button next to the Auctiva App icon to begin the installation process.

Step 4: Open Auctiva App

Once the app is installed, tap the Open button to launch the Auctiva App.

How to set up your Auctiva account on the app

To set up your Auctiva account on the app, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create an Auctiva account

If you don't already have an Auctiva account, go to the Auctiva website and create one. It's free and easy to do.

Step 2: Log in to Auctiva App

Open the Auctiva App on your Android device and log in using your Auctiva account credentials.

Step 3: Sync your eBay account

Once you're logged in to the Auctiva App, you'll need to sync your eBay account. This will allow you to create and manage eBay listings from within the app.

Step 4: Customize your settings

Before you start using the app, take some time to customize your settings. You can set up your notification preferences, choose your default listing template, and configure other settings to suit your needs.

How to create and manage your eBay listings on Auctiva App

Creating and managing eBay listings on the Auctiva App is easy and intuitive. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Tap the Create Listing button

From the Auctiva App home screen, tap the Create Listing button to begin creating a new eBay listing.

Step 2: Choose your listing template

Select a listing template from the available options, or create a custom template if you prefer.

Step 3: Add your item details

Enter your item details, including the title, description, price, shipping information, and any other relevant details.

Step 4: Upload your photos

Take or upload photos of your item and upload them to the app. The Auctiva App provides free image hosting for your listings.

Step 5: Publish your listing

Once you're happy with your listing, tap the Publish button to post it to eBay.

How to schedule listings and relist items on Auctiva App

Scheduling listings and relisting items on the Auctiva App is easy and convenient. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Tap the Schedule Listings button

From the Auctiva App home screen, tap the Schedule Listings button to access the scheduling feature.

Step 2: Choose your items

Select the items you want to schedule or relist from your active and expired listings.

Step 3: Set your schedule

Choose the date and time you want your listings to post or relist, and adjust any other scheduling options as needed.

Step 4: Confirm and save

Review your scheduling settings and tap the Save button to confirm your schedule.

How to track your eBay sales and manage orders on Auctiva App

Tracking your eBay sales and managing orders on the Auctiva App is simple and convenient. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Tap the Sales button

From the Auctiva App home screen, tap the Sales button to access your sales dashboard.

Step 2: View your sales history

View your sales history to see which items have sold and how much money you've made.

Step 3: Manage your orders

Tap on a specific order to view the details and manage the order status, including shipping and tracking information.

Step 4: Receive notifications

Receive notifications when you make a sale or when an order is updated, so you can stay on top of your eBay business wherever you go.

How Auctiva App can help you increase your eBay sales and profits

The Auctiva App for Android can help you increase your eBay sales and profits in several ways:

1. Streamlined listing creation

With the Auctiva App, you can quickly and easily create professional-looking eBay listings, saving you time and ensuring that your items stand out from the competition.

2. Automatic relisting

The automatic relisting feature ensures that your eBay items stay visible to potential buyers, increasing your chances of making a sale.

3. Schedule listings

Scheduling your eBay listings at optimal times can help you reach more potential buyers and increase your sales.

4. Sales tracking and order management

The Auctiva App's real-time sales tracking and order management features allow you to stay on top of your eBay business and respond quickly to customer inquiries and orders.

5. Free image hosting

The Auctiva App provides free image hosting for your eBay listings, saving you money on image hosting fees and ensuring that your listings look professional and attractive.

Auctiva App customer support and resources

If you have any questions or issues with the Auctiva App, the Auctiva customer support team is available to assist you. You can also access a variety of resources and tutorials on the Auctiva website to help you get the most out of the app.

Conclusion and final thoughts on Auctiva App for Android

Overall, the Auctiva App for Android is a powerful tool for eBay sellers who want to streamline their businesses, increase their sales, and boost their profits. With its intuitive interface, robust features, and convenient mobile access, the Auctiva App is a must-have for any serious eBay seller. Whether you're just getting started or you've been selling on eBay for years, the Auctiva App is a valuable asset that can help you take your eBay business to the next level.

My Point of View on Auctiva App for Android

Pros of Auctiva App for Android

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, I can list some of the pros of Auctiva App for Android:

  • The app is free to download and use, which makes it accessible to all eBay sellers.
  • Auctiva offers a wide range of features such as customizable templates, bulk uploading, inventory management, and automatic relisting, which saves time for sellers.
  • The app has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it suitable for beginners and experienced sellers alike.
  • The app also provides live customer support through email, phone, and chat, which helps sellers resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Cons of Auctiva App for Android

Some of the cons of Auctiva App for Android are:

  • The app requires a stable internet connection to upload and manage listings, which can be a problem for sellers with slow internet speeds.
  • The app may have occasional glitches and bugs, which can cause inconvenience and frustration for users.
  • Auctiva charges a fee for certain features such as image hosting and listing upgrades, which can add up and increase the overall cost of using the app.
  • The app may not be suitable for sellers who prefer a more hands-on approach to managing their eBay listings.


Overall, Auctiva App for Android is a useful tool for eBay sellers who want to streamline their listing and management process. The app offers a range of features that can save time and effort for sellers, and its user-friendly interface makes it easy to use. However, the app may have some drawbacks such as occasional glitches and charges for certain features. Ultimately, it is up to each seller to decide if Auctiva App for Android meets their needs and budget.

Discover the Power of Auctiva App for Android

Welcome to the end of our article about Auctiva App for Android. We hope that you found this article useful and informative. Our goal was to give you an in-depth understanding of what Auctiva is, how it works, and why it’s so beneficial for online sellers.

As you know, Auctiva is an all-in-one listing and marketing tool that helps online sellers streamline their eBay and Amazon businesses. With Auctiva, you can create professional-looking listings, manage your inventory, and track your sales performance – all from one easy-to-use platform.

One of the most significant advantages of using Auctiva is its mobile app for Android. This app allows you to manage your eBay and Amazon businesses on the go, no matter where you are. You can list items, monitor your sales, and respond to customer inquiries – all from your smartphone or tablet.

But that’s not all. Auctiva app for Android also offers a range of powerful features that help you save time and boost your sales. Let’s take a closer look at some of these features:

1. Bulk Listing: With Auctiva, you can create multiple eBay and Amazon listings at once, without having to enter the same information repeatedly. This feature saves you time and ensures accuracy.

2. Inventory Management: Auctiva app for Android makes it easy to track your inventory levels, so you never run out of stock. You can also set up automatic reordering to ensure that you always have enough products on hand.

3. Sales Reporting: With Auctiva, you can view detailed reports of your sales performance, including sales by product, category, and date range. This information helps you make informed decisions about your business.

4. Customer Management: Auctiva app for Android allows you to manage your customer data, including contact information and purchase history. You can also send emails to customers directly from the app.

5. Marketing Tools: Auctiva offers a range of marketing tools that help you promote your eBay and Amazon listings. These include customizable templates, social media sharing, and email marketing campaigns.

6. Support: Auctiva provides excellent customer support, with a team of experts who are available to answer your questions and help you get the most out of the app.

So, if you’re an online seller who wants to take your business to the next level, we highly recommend trying Auctiva app for Android. With its powerful features, user-friendly interface, and excellent support, Auctiva is the ultimate tool for anyone who wants to succeed in the online marketplace.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope that you found it useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you!

People Also Ask About Auctiva App for Android

What is Auctiva App?

Auctiva App is an Android application that allows sellers to manage their eBay listings and sales directly from their mobile devices. The app offers a range of features, including inventory management, order processing, and shipping label printing.

Is Auctiva App free?

Yes, Auctiva App is available for free download on the Google Play Store. However, there may be additional fees associated with using certain features of the app, such as label printing.

How does Auctiva App work?

To use Auctiva App, sellers must first create an account on the Auctiva website and connect it to their eBay account. Once connected, sellers can use the app to manage their listings, update inventory, and process orders from their mobile device.

What are the benefits of using Auctiva App?

Some of the benefits of using Auctiva App include:

  • The ability to manage eBay listings and sales from anywhere, at any time
  • Inventory management tools that allow sellers to track stock levels and prevent overselling
  • Order processing and shipping label printing capabilities to streamline the fulfillment process
  • Real-time notifications of new orders and buyer messages

Is Auctiva App secure?

Yes, Auctiva App uses industry-standard security measures to protect users' data and transactions. However, as with any app, it's important for users to take precautions such as using strong passwords and keeping their device updated with the latest security patches.